Wednesday 28 March 2012

Corto Moltedo's first video

Corto Moltedo from Andrew White on Vimeo.

This is the first video filmed for Corto Moltedo. Three or four years have passed by since I last watched it...I almost forgot all about it! Today I found it again, and I really became nostalgic. Some how, I remembered the first time I discovered Corto Moltedo's shop in Palais Royal in Paris. Back then, I did not know who he was, but I really got impressed by his bags. That day I bought by first red patend Cassette, and I fell in love with his Priscillas and Susan. Since that day, Corto Moltedo became my number one favourite accessory designer!
When Andrew White made that video, said: 'I shot this commercial for Corto Moltedo, an Italian designer bag company. It is going to be featured on their website and play on loop on a TV monitor in their store front. We shot 2 days in NY with an amazing cast and crew who hauled all of camera and G&E up a 7 flight walk up - gotta love East Village apartment buildings. We shot with Zeiss Super Speeds on a Build #16. I shot at a T5.6 most of the time going against the norm because we were going for a very classic, Italian fashion look with deep blacks, high contrast, hard light, and deep DOF. Some of these qualities got dialed back in post, but I think over-all it maintains my original vision. Some of the shots (mainly the one where jealous girl is peering over the balcony) should have been shot with a green screen, but certain production considerations prevented this'.

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